JetGuard Launches at PDAC in Canada
We are proud to be taking the innovative Australian designed JetGuard submersible dewatering pump to one of the world’s most important mining conventions. The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) is an umbrella organisation representing a global membership of 7,500 members from the mineral exploration and development sector. The annual PDAC Convention is a…
JetGuard News at Underground Operators Conference 2020
We are excited about the upcoming Underground Operators Conference 2020 in Perth this March. Unlike the other industry events like MineX, Austmine and Worthy Parts (that focus more broadly on the mining industry), this trade show is focused on underground mining. It is a chance for all the different contractors and equipment providers servicing the…
Shotcrete Use In Ground Support For Underground Mining
This is an interview with Professor Phil Dight, Professor Geotechnical Engineering, Australian Centre for Geomechanics (ACG). The ACG is a joint venture between The University of Western Australia and the CSIRO and is a not-for-profit mining research centre. Professor Dight has worked with the ACG for 11 years. His areas of interests are open-pit mining,…
Architectural Use of Shotcrete – Factors to Consider
By Matthew Hicks Matthew Hicks has been in the Shotcrete and ground engineering business for the past twenty-five years. He has been an active Australian Shotcrete Society committee member for the last fifteen years. Matthew is a co-author of the AUSS Guide to Shotcreting in Australia. He is also the co-founder and Managing Director of…
The Adoption of Shotcrete in Australian Underground Mining
Over two decades, the use of Shotcrete in underground mining has grown rapidly in Australia due to its effectiveness in tunnel stabilisation. As the use of Shotcrete has increased, the industry has learned and improved. This article reviews the history of Shotcrete use in underground mines in Australia. It explores the early drivers, the challenges,…
Why Shotcrete Testing Is Critical
Shotcrete Testing By Warren Mahoney Shotcrete testing is important because it ensures that the Shotcrete you are delivering is meeting the specification and will do the job the technical engineer has designed it to do. You need to ensure that you are supplying to that standard as a concrete producer and also as an…
Mining Supply Co-ordinator Says JetGuard Pump “By Far the Best I’ve Ever Seen”
In this interview, a Supply Co-ordinator for a West Australian underground mine discusses switching to PumpEng as the supplier for underground submersible dewatering pumps. He also gives feedback on a recent trial of the JetGuard pump. What were the problems you were having with the old submersible pumps? We weren’t getting significant life out of…
A Quick Look At Why JetGuard Is So Good
Do you find it hard to get time to read all the technical material you’d like to? In this Information Age, we have access to a lot more data. Ironically it is coming to us in such quantity that we are often too busy to take it in. There also seems to be a significant…
Global Travel Summary – Canada
I’ve just come back from meetings with people from the mining industry in Canada. I notice that Shotcrete is widely used in underground mining and appears to be regarded as the ground support system of the future. The opinions that were shared with me suggested that Shotcrete increases production, potentially because mining teams can get…