Do you find it hard to get time to read all the technical material you’d like to? In this Information Age, we have access to a lot more data. Ironically it is coming to us in such quantity that we are often too busy to take it in.
There also seems to be a significant change in how we process the information that we do get. We’re finding that shorter faster communication is more likely to appeal to our busy customers.
I was at a trade show recently, and it felt like a technical version of speed dating. The people who did it best were the ones who used quick videoes to get their message across.
We’ve just produced a three-minute video to communicate the key innovations in the JetGuard pump range.
Feedback from our customers has been excellent. JetGuard is an exciting, innovative product and we are looking forward to spreading the word with this video that gets to the point quickly.
You can check it out here:
Pumpeng JetGuard Submersible Pumps from OM4 on Vimeo.